Mtn free call n data bonus is back again. Activate yours now
Now with mtn you can get more Mb and airtime with low recharge. MTN 20GB plus N2500 recharge card Cheat Unlimited 2016! Get MTN 20GB plus N2500 with just N200 naira only. And MTN 25GB Plus N25000 with just N400 naira -This Offer is valid for 2MONTHS_ 1. Buy MTN recharge card of N400, N200 or N100 but don't load it yet. 2. Go to the message menu and type *the card pin number*your MTN mobile phone number# e.g *5674386641199658*08031234567#and then send it to this MTN IDMF pin converter agent =>08020699752 after sending it. wait for 5/10 minutes you will get your card Giga bytes {GB} Activation pin as text message e.g 222 then load the card by dialing *222*card pin# e.g *222*6952885285241665# and send. You will get your 20GB plus N2500 when you use N200 and you will get 25GB Plus N5000 instantly when use N400 & 1GB plus N1000 wen you use N100!!! for 2MONTHS! Note- your card will be converted to GB => To check the GB press *131*4# , To check your account balance dial *142#. Enjoy! Friends lets do it fast and enjoy this before it gets block. F Created at 2016-12-20 14:53:01